Press Release: Tales of a Reluctant World Traveler

Tales of a Reluctant World Traveler Comes to 2024 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival


Novelist and fringe veteran Randy Ross provides an unflinching look at world travel and the writing life, while bringing new meaning to suffering for one's art.


What people are saying about Tales of a Reluctant World Traveler


"Absolutely hilarious" "animated story-telling" "a theatrical experience"

--Utah Theatre Bloggers Association (2020 Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival)


“Entertaining” “Sardonic kvetching”

--Fringe Festival KC (2021 Kansas City Fringe Festival)


Selected by Airbnb as a high-quality experience for Boston visitors


The Show: Tales of a Reluctant World Traveler is the story of how a Boston homebody turned a rotten, solo trip around the globe into a comedy novel and an acclaimed one-man play. The show is part travelogue, part performance, and part off-kilter author talk. A must-see for book lovers, writers, travelers, whiners, kvetches, and misanthropes. Please note: The show carries content warnings for gooey diseases, heartless publishers, and liquor made of cobras.

30-second show promo video


The Performer: Randy Ross is a Boston-area writer and performer. His fiction, humor, and erotica have appeared in The Drum, Black Heart Magazine, Side B Magazine, and Calliope, among others. He is the author of two novels: God Bless Cambodia (The Permanent Press/2017) and The Squid and the Spaceman (Epsilon Books/Oct. 2024). Ross's one-man shows have been featured at fringe theater festivals in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

In 2007, Ross took a trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: "Speak English?" "Got Pepto-Bismol?" and "Where is the evacuation helicopter?" His shows and novel God Bless Cambodia were inspired by the trip.

Previously, Ross was an executive editor for PC World magazine. He is currently writing a third novel, and touring his new show, Tales of a Reluctant World Traveler.


Performances at Venue #7 Dave Barber Cinematheque - 100 Arthur St. (Artspace Main Floor)

Wednesday, July 17 6:15 PM

Friday, July 19 7:45 PM

Saturday, July 20 4:30 PM

Tuesday, July 23 11:15 AM

Wednesday, July 24 9:30 PM

Thursday, July 25 4:15 PM

Friday, July 26 12:45 PM

Sunday, July 28 5:45 PM


Show listing and Tickets ($14)

Press Contact: Randy Ross  

Phone: 1 617 623-8302

Online press kit:







Press Release

New Novel Offers an Unflinching Look at How Men Feel about Sex, Love, Marriage, and Massage Parlors


Sag Harbor, NY – March 20, 2017 The Permanent Press, a noted publisher of literary fiction, has published God Bless Cambodia, a picaresque comedy from performer and fiction writer Randy Ross. The novel has been published in hard cover and lists for $29.95.


What Reviewers Are Saying about God Bless Cambodia:


"Very entertaining" -- Booklist
"Consistently funny" -- The Jewish Post
"...this story of a flawed character’s midlife crisis becomes an easy one to relate to."

 -- Kirkus


The Book: God Bless Cambodia follows the adventures of Randall Burns -- forty-eight, out of a job, and tired of wasting his time pounding away on as if it were a game of Whac-A-Mole.


One day at Barnes & Noble, he comes across a travel guidebook for single men with a unique itinerary and a titillating passage on vaginal thrush. Burns is no traveler: He hates public toilets, loud noises, weird smells, and people who sweat. Eventually, the call of the thrush, his fears of dying alone, and a snarky e-mail from ex-girlfriend Ricki, compel him to take the trip.


During his travels, Burns strikes out with women on three continents and suffers loneliness that would have broken Papillon. The only thing that keeps him from returning home is Ricki, who continues to email, declaring her certainty that he's having a rotten time and won’t last another week.


On the fourth continent, Burns accepts that he's going to die alone and the sooner, the better. He bungee-jumps, eats food from street carts, and visits a body spa named "The Curious Finger." He lets go of his germophobia and his quest for a woman, and begins to enjoy himself. Ricki emails again. She’s now on antidepressants and sorry for her past behavior. Is his luck with love about to change?


The Publisher: Founded in 1978, The Permanent Press is an independent press committed to publishing works of social and literary merit.

The Author:  Randy Ross is a Boston-area writer and performer. His one-man show, "The Chronic Single's Handbook," based on God Bless Cambodia, has been featured at fringe theater festivals in the U.S., Canada, and Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2007, he took a trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: "Speak English?" "Got Pepto-Bismol?" and "Where is the evacuation helicopter?" This is his first novel. 

Author photo

Three-minute trailer.

A short scene from the first chapter. (adult material)

Previous Show "The Chronic Single's Handbook"

Release for 2019

For Immediate Release 

"The Chronic Single's Handbook" Comes to the Providence Fringe Festival

Novelist and fringe veteran Randy Ross provides an unflinching look at how men feel about sex, love, marriage, and massage parlors.

What reviewers are saying about The Chronic Single's Handbook:

"Compelling" "Flawless" Pittsburgh in the Round (2017 Pittsburgh fringe)

"A lot of fun to watch." Four Stars Winnipeg Free Press (2015 Winnipeg fringe)

"Sharply funny"…"Some of life's tougher punch lines"…"A quality solo show" FringeReview (2014 Edinburgh fringe)


The Play: The Chronic Single's Handbook is a one-man show by Randy Ross about a chronically-single guy who travels the world hoping to change his luck with love. It's Eat, Pray, Love meets The Forty-Year-Old Virgin. The story begins in Boston and goes astray in Greece, South Africa, and Asia. Along the way, audiences are exposed to the stories “Domination for Dummies” and “One Day at The Curious Finger Body Spa.” Sweet, innocent, a touch raunchy with adult situations, adult language, and more adult situations. 


The Performer: Randy Ross is a Boston-area novelist and story-teller. His comedic novel, God Bless Cambodia, was published in 2017 by The Permanent Press, a New York-area publisher of literary fiction. He has performed at fringe festivals in the U.S., Canada, and Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2007, Ross took a four-month, solo trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: “Speak English?” “Got Pepto-Bismol?” and “Where is the evacuation helicopter?” His shows and novel were inspired by the trip.


Performances at The Down Studio, Waterfire Arts Center, 475 Valley St, Providence

TUESDAY July 23, 2019 @ 10PM-11PM

WEDNESDAY July 23, 2019 @ 7PM-8PM

SATURDAY, July 27, 2018 @ 7PM-8PM

Tickets $15

Press Contact:
Randy Ross 


House Theater Release for Airbnb

For Immediate Release


House Theater Comes to Boston


Local performer selected by Airbnb to perform one-man show in his

Somerville apartment.



Novelist and fringe festival veteran Randy Ross was among the Bostonians selected by Airbnb to offer "high quality experiences" to visitors to and residents of the Boston area. Beginning April 28, 2018, Ross will perform his one-man show, The Chronic Single's Handbook, in his Somerville apartment for groups of up to 10 people.


"I've performed at more 20 fringe theater festivals around North America, in venues, ranging from bars to classrooms to a church where the audience sat in pews," Ross said. "But this is the first time I've performed my one-man show in an apartment."


Ross rigged the living room in his two-bedroom apartment to resemble a black box theater by installing special lighting and black drop cloths. He will offer the one-hour show Thursdays and Saturdays through the fall on weeks when he not touring outside of Boston.


His show is one of about 40 experiences Airbnb launched in the Boston area in late March. Other experiences include a tour of the Brinks' robbery crime scene in the North End, a glass blowing workshop in Cambridge, and oyster-shucking on the Boston harbor.


The Chronic Single's Handbook is a one-man show by Randy Ross about a chronically-single guy who travels the world hoping to change his luck with love.


Remember Eat, Pray, Love? This is nothing like it. The story begins in Boston and goes astray in Greece, South Africa, and Asia. Along the way, audiences are exposed to the stories “Domination for Dummies” and “One Day at The Curious Finger Body Spa.” Adult situations, adult language, and more adult situations. 


Reviews from Airbnb rated 4.7 stars out of 5)


Randy Ross is a Somerville novelist and story-teller. His comedic novel, God Bless Cambodia, was published in 2017 by The Permanent Press, a publisher of literary fiction. He has performed at fringe festivals in the U.S., Canada, and Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2007, Ross took a four-month, solo trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: “Speak English?” “Got Pepto-Bismol?” and “Where is the evacuation helicopter?” His shows and novel were inspired by the trip.




Three-minute show trailer filmed in Ottawa.

Scene from The Chronic Single's Handbook

House Theater set up in my home for Airbnb shows

Listing on Airbnb

Recent House Theater Press, Reviews

Somerville Scout magazine

Reviews on Airbnb

Show and Lecture Info


Dear Event Planner:


I am a Massachusetts-based novelist and performer. Would you consider having me come in for a unique author lecture that is part publishing talk and part performance?


I could present either of the following:


1) Show "Tales from a Reluctant World Traveler"


Sixteen weeks, four continents, three bungee jumps, and I couldn't come home soon enough. This is the story of how a Boston homebody turned a solo trip around the globe into a comedy novel and an acclaimed one-man show. The one-hour multi-media event would include a slide show, readings from my new novel, and live performances from my one-man show. This event is geared toward general audiences, book groups, and writers. I recently gave this lecture at Porter Square Books in Cambridge, The Tewksbury Public Library in Tewksbury, MA, and Weller Book Works in Salt Lake City.


2) Lecture "A Debut Novelist's Rocky Road to Publication"


Feeling discouraged about your writing prospects? Don’t be. Massachusetts writer Randy Ross pitched his debut novel "God Bless Cambodia" to 110 agents and 15 small presses before receiving an offer from The Permanent Press, a New York-area publisher of literary fiction. He will discuss lessons he learned the hard way about querying agents, negotiating a contract with a small press, and how much credence to give to advice from experts, well-meaning friends, and not-so well-meaning reading partners. He will also perform scenes from his one-man show, "The Chronic Single’s Handbook," which was derived from the novel. This event is geared toward aspiring writers. I have given this lecture at writing groups in Boston, San Diego, Pennsylvania, and Calgary, Canada.


My Bio: Randy Ross is a Somerville-based writer, lecturer, and performer. His comedic novel, "God Bless Cambodia," was published in 2017 by The Permanent Press. His one-man show "The Chronic Single's Handbook" has been featured at theater festivals in the U.S., Canada, and Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2007, he took a trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: "Speak English?" "Got Pepto-Bismol?" and "Where is the evacuation helicopter?" The novel and one-man show were inspired by the trip. Previously, Ross was an executive editor for PC World magazine. He holds a masters in journalism from Northwestern University.




- My lectures page


- The novel


- My listings on The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners' web site


Thank you for your time.




Web site:  



Novelist, award-winning story-teller, lecturer, and former executive editor for PCWorld magazine. Comedic novel God Bless Cambodia published March 2017 by The Permanent Press. Perform one-man show based on the novel domestically and abroad. Lecture widely on topics including: writing craft, travel, and self-promotion for writers.


- 2018 One-man show and author lecture selected by Airbnb as high-quality experiences for Boston visitors

- 2017 Highly-reviewed one-man show, The Chronic Single's Handbook

- 2011 Finalist in Drum/Side B Dual Publication Award for Short Fiction

- 2011 Winner First Night Massmouth Story-Telling Slam



"A very entertaining story about a guy who sets out to change his life..." – Booklist

"...this story of a flawed character’s midlife crisis becomes an easy one to relate to." – Kirkus




– Winnipeg Fringe Festival

"Sharply funny" "A quality solo show"

– Edinburgh Fringe Festival

"A huge success…one of the largest audiences we've had for a show." – Hostelling International Boston



"God Bless Cambodia," novel, (The Permanent Press, 2017)

"Secret Work Habits of the Successful Novelist," humor, Calliope

"One Day in Thailand," short story, The Drum and Side B

"Domination for Dummies," short story, Black Heart Magazine



- PC World: As senior editor and later executive editor, wrote more than 100 articles from 1992-2007.

- Wrote articles for The Boston Herald, Boston Phoenix, Journal of the American Medical Association.



Jan-Feb: Living Record Festival, UK, (pre-recorded)

Feb 21: Duxbury Library, Duxbury, MA (live Zoom)

March 24: Plymouth Library, Plymouth, MA (live Zoom)

March 25: Medford Library, Medford, MA (live Zoom)

April 12: Beverly Library, Beverly, MA (live Zoom)

April 20: Hopkinton Library, Hopkinton, MA (live Zoom)

<click for more 2021 shows>



Oct. 2020: Performed and co-produced Boston's first Erotic Literary Festival, Boston, MA (live Zoom)

July 2017: Reading, performance, and author talk at Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA

Oct. 2014: "Self-promotion for Writers" Regis College, Weston, MA

Sept. 2014: "The Digital Backpacker" (blogging for travelers) Hostelling International, Boston MA



Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, M.S. in Journalism





New Novel Offers an Unflinching Look at How Men Feel about Sex, Love, Marriage, and Massage Parlors


Sag Harbor, NY – March 20, 2017 The Permanent Press, a noted publisher of literary fiction, has published God Bless Cambodia, a picaresque comedy from performer and fiction writer Randy Ross. The novel has been published in hard cover and lists for $29.95.


What Reviewers Are Saying about God Bless Cambodia:


"Very entertaining" -- Booklist
"Consistently funny" -- The Jewish Post
"...this story of a flawed character’s midlife crisis becomes an easy one to relate to."

 -- Kirkus


The Book: God Bless Cambodia follows the adventures of Randall Burns -- forty-eight, out of a job, and tired of wasting his time pounding away on as if it were a game of Whac-A-Mole.


One day at Barnes & Noble, he comes across a travel guidebook for single men with a unique itinerary and a titillating passage on vaginal thrush. Burns is no traveler: He hates public toilets, loud noises, weird smells, and people who sweat. Eventually, the call of the thrush, his fears of dying alone, and a snarky e-mail from ex-girlfriend Ricki, compel him to take the trip.


During his travels, Burns strikes out with women on three continents and suffers loneliness that would have broken Papillon. The only thing that keeps him from returning home is Ricki, who continues to email, declaring her certainty that he's having a rotten time and won’t last another week.


On the fourth continent, Burns accepts that he's going to die alone and the sooner, the better. He bungee-jumps, eats food from street carts, and visits a body spa named "The Curious Finger." He lets go of his germophobia and his quest for a woman, and begins to enjoy himself. Ricki emails again. She’s now on antidepressants and sorry for her past behavior. Is his luck with love about to change?


The Publisher: Founded in 1978, The Permanent Press is an independent press committed to publishing works of social and literary merit.

The Author:  Randy Ross is a Boston-area writer and performer. His one-man show, "The Chronic Single's Handbook," based on God Bless Cambodia, has been featured at fringe theater festivals in the U.S., Canada, and Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2007, he took a trip around the world and learned to say in three languages: "Speak English?" "Got Pepto-Bismol?" and "Where is the evacuation helicopter?" This is his first novel.